Email, Healthmail Prescribing & Prescription Dispensing
You can now ask your GP, Dentist or Hospital to send your prescription via email to our Pharmacy.
With the recent change in prescription laws due to the pandemic, your Healthcare provider can now send a legal prescription via Healthmail.
Healthmail is a safe, secure email portal exclusively for healthcare professionals who work with the HSE. This electronic prescription replaces the traditional paper prescription and the need for you to collect the prescription.
Why not save time and avoid any unnecessary visits to the GP surgery? Ask them to Healthmail the prescriptions to us.
Our Healthmail address is Just ask your GP, Dentist or Hospital to email your prescription to us along with your phone number and we will prepare your medication for collection in the Pharmacy
We can also dispense your medicines into convenient 7 day packs known as ‘Blister Packs’. Your tablets are divided into separate compartments, all clearly marked with the time of day. These packs help you or your carer to keep track of your medicines and ensure the right medication is taken at the right time.